Introduction: There is a true theological balancing act that is able to handle two very different sentiments that are both found in Scripture. The first is the response of a humble servant ...
Psalm 107/Let the Redeemed Say So
Introduction: If there is one lesson that the psalmist would like for us to take away from this particular psalm, it is the desire that men would learn how to praise God for His goodness. This ...
Psalm 106/The Salvation of Ingrates
The Eleventh Decade of Psalms: Introduction: God is always to be praised for His wondrous works, but we also need to remember to make sure to catalog our praises. God works wonderfully in creation, ...
Huguenot Hustle/State of the Church #5
Sermon Video Introduction: According to Scripture, a spiritual man is one who walks in step with the Spirit in this material world (Gal. 5:16). A spiritual man is not an ethereal man, ...
Deep Peril, Deep Thanksgiving
INTRODUCTION: We sometimes try to cultivate the right heart attitude by denying the obvious challenges and perils in the world around us, and we sometimes try to pretend that we see the “real world” by adopting a cynical and artistic posture toward it all. We think that in order to have an enjoyable thanksgiving, it …
Refugees and Apostles
INTRODUCTION: As we seek to live our lives as faithful Christians, informed by the Word of God, we soon discover that it is not a simple process. It is not as though the Spirit gave us a rule book, in outline form, fully indexed. He gave us laws, principles, stories, and parables, strewn across various …
Father of Mercies
INTRODUCTION: Under the direction of God, in recent years we have been led to redouble our efforts and emphases on what we call mercy ministry. Whether it is a continuation of our labor in the Ivory Coast, or a new field for mercy work in Myanmar, or locally through Sabbath House, we have been given …
Reformed Evangelism
INTRODUCTION: And we need to begin with the strong assertion that the title of this message—Reformed evangelism—is not an oxymoron. Sharing our faith with others is not optional. But at the same time, the way we understand that faith does have an impact on how we go about evangelism. THE TEXT: “Finally, be ye all …
John Mark
As we give ourselves to the study of this Gospel, let us prepare our hearts to hear the words as though they were spoken just yesterday. Just as this Gospel begins with the preparations of John the Baptist; so let us ask God to prepare our hearts in a similar way. Part of this preparation …
Types and Antitypes
INTRODUCTION: The Word of God comes to us in many ways, with many figures and devices. We are comfortable with many of them, and not quite so comfortable with others. One of the areas of discomfort is the biblical practice of using types and antitypes. This is not just a literary device of God as …