Introduction: This psalm is the most frequently quoted passage of the Old Testament found in the New Testament. The verses quoted have various applications which we will consider as we work ...
Mass Shootings / Ask Doug
Psalm 109/God Is Not Mocked
Introduction: This psalm has been a challenge to many Christians for centuries. It is an imprecatory psalm, and of the most bracing variety. Many commentators have been reduced to saying ...
Arminians on Romans 9 / Ask Doug
Psalm 108/We Shall Do Valiantly
Introduction: There is a true theological balancing act that is able to handle two very different sentiments that are both found in Scripture. The first is the response of a humble servant ...
Should Prisoners Vote? / Ask Doug
René Girard, the Atonement, and Christians
Psalm 107/Let the Redeemed Say So
Introduction: If there is one lesson that the psalmist would like for us to take away from this particular psalm, it is the desire that men would learn how to praise God for His goodness. This ...
American Revolutionaries Rooting for the French Revolution? / Ask Doug
Psalm 106/The Salvation of Ingrates
The Eleventh Decade of Psalms: Introduction: God is always to be praised for His wondrous works, but we also need to remember to make sure to catalog our praises. God works wonderfully in creation, ...