INTRODUCTION The ascension to Jesus Christ is the coronation of Jesus Christ. This is the point where God formally bestows upon Him all authority in heaven and on earth. THE TEXT Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every …
Faith Knows That God Hears/Psalm 4
Many believe that this fourth psalm was written on the same occasion as the one just before it. There are reasonable arguments against this, but at the very least, it was written in the same kind of situation. ” Hear me when I call O God of my righteousness; thou hast enlarged me when I …
Galatians 21
INTRODUCTION As we seek to gather in our hearts and minds the message of this wonderful book, we can the heart of it here in the last passage. Just as we need to summarize, so does Paul. THE TEXT: Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. As …
From His Holy Hill/Psalm 3
We are told in the book of Job that man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward. In the third psalm we discover what it means to find our rest and comfort in God alone. When David fled from Absalom, it was one of the greatest troubles of his life. “LORD, how are …
Galatians 20
INTRODUCTION Paul has already told us that the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit are inconsistent with one another. But a problem is caused because people who live according to the two “lists” have to associate with one another, both in the world and in the church. Now what? There is …
Galatians 19
INTRODUCTION The principle is firmly established already. Paul is building up to the point that false religion is the foundation of all false living. Just as believing lives are built upon the truth of God, so false lives are built on the lies of righteousness-mongers. THE TEXT: But if ye be led of the Spirit, …
Galatians 18
INTRODUCTION We have seen that the lines of descent from Sarah and Hagar are fluid. We are now coming to the great truth that the family resemblance borne in these lines is also obvious. Sons of Abraham do the works of Abraham. The text today closes on the threshold of Paul’s great description of the …
Galatians 17
INTRODUCTION The lines of descent from Sarah and Hagar are fluid. In other words, physical sons of Sarah can become Ishmaelites through unbelief. Physical sons of Hagar can come in faith to Christ and be adopted into Israel. That which God uses to determine which way it goes is faith which He imparts as a …
Galatians 16
INTRODUCTION The meaning of the two sons in this passage is absolutely basic to all spiritual wisdom. If we listen to carnal whispers will get this all tangled up—and we must not. THE TEXT: Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? For it is written, that …
Galatians 15
INTRODUCTION The outline of Paul’s appeal is now plain. He then turns to make a personal appeal to the Galatians. Their potential apostasy involves much more than simply following an argument—although it includes that. That “much more” has to do with their personal relationship with Paul himself. THE TEXT: Brethren, I beseech you, be as …