And When You Run Out of Things to Say, Go On to the Next Verse

“The surest way to maintain variety in to keep to the mind of the Holy Spirit in the particular passage under consideration. No two texts are exactly similar; something in the connection or drift of the passage gives to each apparently identical text a shade of difference. Keep to the Spirit’s track and you will …

Greater Works

INTRODUCTION: The celebration of Christmas is the celebration of the Incarnation. The Incarnation of the eternal Word is the miracle of miracles, the first wonder of a series of wonders. The Incarnation was the foundation, the Crucifixion and Resurrection the capstone and roof, and the Ascension the great steeple. But there is another wonder beyond …

Golden Oil

In the previous vision, God had given great encouragement to Joshua the high priest. In this vision, He gives comparable encouragement to Zerubbabel, the civil leader. Joshua represents the priestly power, and Zerubbabel represents the civil authority. They were united in Melchizedek, separated throughout the history of Israel, and then reunited in Christ. The type …