Sermon Video Introduction: This psalm rotates around the hesed of God, coming back to it every other line. This word hesed can be translated any number of different ways—kindness, faithfulness, ...
Confession of Sin and Forgiveness
Sermon Video Introduction: One very common problem that Christians have in their Christian lives is the problem of spiritual clutter. Many Christians don’t know what to do with various unresolved ...
A Mosaic of Praise/Psalm 135
Sermon Video Introduction: This psalm is untitled, and it is truly a curious composition—it is a scriptural mosaic. Most of this psalm is laid together like tiles from other portions of Scripture. ...
Bless Thee Out of Zion/Psalm 134
Sermon Video Introduction: Our covenantal relationship with God is a relationship that is tied completely around with blessing. The servants of the Lord are called and summoned to bless the Lord, ...
Together in Unity/Psalm 133
Sermon Video Introduction: Christian unity is a dangerous subject because—believe it or not—it is one of the ironic things we are divided over. What is the nature of true unity? Why should ...
The Tabernacle of David at Zion/Psalm 132
Sermon Video Introduction: The overall tone of this psalm is unambiguously jubilant, but a number of the details are nevertheless ambiguous. This is said because my reconstruction of the players ...
Like a Weaned Child/Psalm 131
Sermon Video Introduction: The writer of Proverbs says that out of many daughters, the virtuous wife excels them all. Something analogous also may also be said of pride, the devil’s oldest daughter. ...
The Forgotten Duty
Sermon Video Introduction: Forgiveness of sin is forgiveness of sin, not redefinition of sin (Rom. 13:8-10). “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven” contains a glorious truth. But, misapplied ...
Inescapable Fear
Sermon Video Introduction: This message on Inescapable Fear could just as easily been entitled as Freedom from Fear. And, without any contradiction, it could also be entitled The Christian Grace ...
Swing Low
“Preaching is the chariot that carries Christ up and down the world.”
Richard Sibbes, in Beeke, Reformed Preaching, p. 146