Prayers and Exhortation

Many of you have heard that there was a sniper shooting late last night and early this morning at the Presbyterian Church here in Moscow. We don’t know many details, but our thoughts and prayers are of course with the victims, and with their families. We also pray for the congregation at the Presbyterian Church, …

Story Telling as Subversion

Story telling is a subversive activity. Every culture, every society, has a story to tell of itself. Idolatrous societies tell stories that vindicate their idols, presenting them in the best possible light. You, as Christians, will always be allowed to worship as you please, just so long as you do not do anything to subvert …

Not Nearly Scrupulous Enough

God pronounces a blessing for those who do not lean on their own understanding. Of course, in one sense, our own understanding is the only thing we have. The proverb does not mean that God somehow requires us to think with someone else’s mind, to look out at the world with someone else’s eyes. This …