The Reformed world is currently cooking up an perfect Irish stew controversy. Thrown into the pot have been the meaning of regeneration, imputation, and justification, the relationship of faith and works, the New Perspective on Paul, the firing of Norman Shepherd twenty years ago from Westminister Seminary, and a Presbyterian (!) newspaper charging me with …
Counterintuitive Wisdom
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 1611) Growing Dominion, Part 8 In order to exercise wisdom in the world, we have to come to grips with the fact that wisdom is counter-intuitive. If you have ever taken any kind of lessons, whether driving lessons, piano lessons, golf lessons, guitar lessons, or …
As Stevie Ray Vaughn might have put it, “I’m caught in the crossfire.” The East Coast Reformed Police say that it is all right to believe in a kind of baptismal regeneration so long as you also believe in a prelapsarian meritorious covenant of works. And the West Coast Reformed Police are saying that so …
Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #7
“Surely the Sacraments can remind us of grace, help us to appreciate grace, and exhort us to walk in grace, but do they actually give us the grace promised in the Gospel? The Reformed and Presbyterian confessions answer “yes” without hesitation. A Sacrament not only consists of the signs (water, bread and wine), but of …
Under His Feet/Psalm 8
The eighth psalm is another psalm of David. The import of the psalm is glorious, and the Gittith probably refers somehow to the joyful aspect and nature of the psalm. “O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. . . .” (Ps. …
Grumbling at the Table
Every manner of unconfessed sin is inconsistent with communion at this table. But when the apostle comes to mention particular sins in conjunction with keeping our observance holy, it is notable which sins he singles out. One of them is murmuring. Not only are we to avoid golden-calf-like idolatries, not only are we to avoid …
Set in Order
The image of God in you is not a static thing, a mechanical imprint. The image of God means to be orderly, in accordance with His word, in true righteousness and holiness. No human being is completely disordered or unhinged, and by God’s common grace, even non-Christians still reflect some of the order that was …
When Stuck, Try Theological Innovation
How is it that we are assailed for having a high (and very Reformed) view of the sacraments, when others, like the Lutherans and the Westminster West cadre, are given a pass by the anabaptist reformed? The answer that is given to this question is that there is a basic compatibility between the covenant of …
Objective Christians and Husbands
In a recent book entitled The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Rick Phillips says this: “Eventually, the evangelicals gave in to that pressure, agreeing that if you are baptized you are a Christian, even if you deny the deity of Christ and the atoning work of the cross. This is of the greatest importance …
Pleasant Words
INTRODUCTION Messages on the tongue can easily cause every Christian to respond with some sort of uh oh. We all know how readily we sin with the tongue, and if a preacher is aiming for conviction it is fairly easy to hit that target through preaching on “sins of the tongue.” But we all know, …