The Law of Liberty

Understanding the nature and purpose of God’s law is central to our Christian lives. If we misunderstand or disobey what God requires of us, we have sinned grievously. If we understand it and obey, we receive tremendous blessing. To misunderstand law is to misunderstand grace. We see this in the preface to the Ten Commandments. …

Orange Juice Concentrate

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 14 As we study the world around us, and how that world relates to medical practice, we should study in the light of biblical rules of evidence. But it may be objected that to require biblical principles of verifiability in …

Stay, and Believe in Jesus

Several years ago, we began observing the Lord’s Supper on a weekly basis. Quite a bit went into that discussion beforehand, but one of the striking things about our preparations for it was the warning I got from a wise minister. He said that when we went to weekly communion, we should expect a great …