So Confusing. I Don”t Want to Pay Attention to the Adjectives.

A friend brought our attention to Calvin’s commentary on Acts 3:25, where he says, “And so, although the common election be not effectual in all, yet may it set open a gate for the special elect.” The rot is spreading. Somebody needs to bring charges, and soon. What would the charge be exactly? Well, it …

Two Kinds of Blamelessness

In a recent conversation with a friend about the New Perspective on Paul, we were talking about the center of Sanders’ contribution to that school of thought, the point which N.T. Wright regards as “settled.” This is not to say that Wright agrees with Sanders on everything, of course, and you may insert all manner …

Why Wouldn’t We Quote Him?

In a comments thread over at Greenbaggins, Jason Stellman says this: “And lastly, I do find it interesting that I can’t seem to ellicit a response from a Federal Visionist that doesn’t mention Scott Clark. If you all insist on complaining about being lumped together (which sometime you unfairly are), then you should stop doing …