Comparisons Are Odious

Once there was a mother who always compared her two sons. The eldest was obviously her favorite, and was no secret to anyone. Her comments, particularly when she was displeased, usually came out to the advantage of her favorite, sometimes in striking ways. When she rebuked the younger, it was by wondering why he could …

Christ the Lord of the Table

Christ as Lord of the Table refers of course to the Lord’s Table, even though most of what we will consider does not connect to the Lord’s Supper directly. But, as we shall see, our life together always connects to this Table, and indirect connections are not unimportant connections. This is beause we are to …

Some Important News

Yesterday the congregation of Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church voted (without dissent) to leave the PCA. They also voted to have Steve Wilkins continue as their pastor, and to approach the CREC for membership. They have been adopted as a mission church of Grace Covenant Church in Nacogdoches, Texas, pastored by Randy Booth. Steve was a …

The Game Show’s Brand New Season

There is a dust-up in progress at Westminster Seminary East. There are three basic issues involved, and I happen to be in a position to speak to two of them. The first would be the speaking habits of Westminster president Peter Lillback, the second would be reaction to Peter Enns’ book Inspiration and Incarnation, and …