Last fall I was doing a conference down in Florida together with Rob Rayburn. During the course of one of my talks, I mentioned something I had picked up from a famous Barna survey, which indicated that there are not any appreciable lifestyle differences between evangelicals and generic pagans when it comes to issues like …
Help Wanted
New St. Andrews College and Christ Church-Moscow seek a joint music instructor and church music director for fall 2005. Position includes teaching year-long Music Colloquium and elective courses, conducting the College’s and church’s choirs, and serving as church music director. Master’s degree and choral conducting experience required, preferably at the collegiate level. Salary and benefits …
Bookrack Notice
Halfway down the bookrack on the right side here, please note the release of Omnibus I from Veritas Press. We learned a lot in the production of this great textbook for 7th graders, and Lord willing, and the creeks don’t rise, Omnibus II will be ready for 8th graders by this comingĀ fall.
Unasked For Provision
I finished my master’s work at the UI in 1979, and so Nancy and I decided to spend the summer in Vancouver, B.C. where I took a few classes at Regent College. John Stott was teaching through the book of Acts, and I decided to take three other classes as well. Leon Morris taught a …
The Kindness of God
Our family moved from Tacoma Park, Maryland to Annapolis in 1958. I have some fragmentary memories of kindergarten in Tacoma Park, and more solid recollections of first grade in Annapolis, up to and including the name of my first grade teacher, a very pleasant woman named Miss Robinson. I grew up in Annapolis, and have …
Becoming Paedo
After I became a Calvinist (around 1988), a series of events conspired to bring me to paedobaptist convictions as well. It happened on this wise. I had come to an understanding of the doctrines of grace while preaching through the book of Romans; when I started the series through that book I did not hold …
Not Really About the Shroud
The last few days have been kind of a circus maximus on the Shroud front. Nathan was interviewed yesterday for ABC World News Tonight, and the piece showed again on Good Morning America this morning. The Associated Press article went out today, so there should be a number of notices in newspapers around the country. …
Random Gifts
We get the odd contributions now and again. Just yesterday, some very thoughtful Wisconsin folks responded to the new Credenda devoted to cheese by sending us a wheel of Colby that was made in their neighborhood just a few days before. And it was really good too. And a few months ago, a woman named …
Debate With James White (DVD)
Off to the right, third item down, is the debate I had last year with James White on whether or not Roman Catholics are members of the new covenant. It is now available through Canon Press (sorry about the delay), and we hope you are edified by it.
Heads Up
A couple new features are floating around here, just to let you know. First, if you scroll down and look on the left hand side, you will see that the site now has a search feature. Hope it helps. Also, off to the immediate left, I now have the capacity to rotate in various web …