Think Globally, Sit On Your Butt Locally

I am preaching through the book of Amos, and so issues of economics, finances, generosity, and so on keep coming up. This last Sunday, someone after the service asked about something they had heard, which was that Catholic charities outgive evangelical charities, and do so by a long shot. This had application to Amos, but …

A Financial Miscellany

Many other aspects of Proverbs’ teaching on wealth and finances remain, but time does not. A good conclusion to this short series of posts will perhaps be found in an assorted discussion of some of the more important remaining issues. Other than the general relationship to finances, one sustained theme will not necessarily connect these …

A More Excellent Way

INTRODUCTION: We are continuing to consider the problems posed by desire, envy, competition, and ambition. We have now come to competition, something dear to the heart of most Americans. But because of this we must guard our step. You have heard many times that we must repent of our virtues, and this subject is a …