No Soup Kitchens in the Resurrection

When the Holy Spirit moves in significant ways, He doesn’t usually specialize. One of the most striking features of reformations is how many things get addressed in them. In the great Reformation of the 16th century, doctrinal issues were on the table, as everyone knows, but it was also a liturgical reformation, a musical revolution, …

The Stimulus Packages Headed Your Way

I was thinking about the financial monkeyshines of the really smart people who have been running our major insurance companies, brokerage houses, and banks, and I was also thinking about the solons who are passing these lunatic bailouts, and a passage of Scripture came to me. It is not talking about high finance, but it …

Pinched Faces, Dehydrated Hearts, and Sticky Fingers

On Friday, a student asked me a good question at our weekly disputatio, a question concerning the Trinity in the world of giving and generosity. Does the free market, where each person is watching out for number one, undercut the work of the Trinity in our lives, as He works to make us overflow in …

What Hath All the Smart People Wrought?

Just a few random notes on the unfolding debacle in our financial markets. Further bulletins will be forthcoming as events warrant. First, I wonder how much longer it will be before both presidential candidates realize that this is a complete game changer. To watch both sides in this thus far is like seeing the Martians …