This evening I read Brian McLaren’s open letter to Chuck Colson. Colson had apparently done a radio spot on his view that postmodernism is on its last legs, and that now would not be a good time for Christians to clamber on board. This is a reasonable point, in my mind, but the radio spot …
Tentative or Not?
I was pleased that Andrew Sandlin dropped the label postmodernism recently. But it is not enough to just change the label on the bottle. In a recent post, found here, Andrew continues to advance some of the most problematic aspects of the pomo agenda, as it continues to work its way into the Church. Andrew …
The Pomo Wrecking Ball
I just finished reading a review of D.A. Carson’s Staley Lectures. The review was by David Mills (no, not the David Mills of Touchstone), and can be found here. The lectures were apparently the basis for Carson’s subsequent book Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church, which is also worth reading. David Mills shares some of …
My Favorite Papist
A friend took the trouble to write me privately with some encouraging quotes from Chesterton’s Orthodoxy. One of the most exasperating things about McLaren’s book was his attempt to appropriate Chesterton for himself, and so I thought I would just pass those citations on to you. I believe they are all from from chapter 3, …
Humility and Heresy
There are many destructive things to be found in Brian McLaren’s “generous orthodoxy,” but as I bring this review to a close, I want to summarize some of the clearest problems here. I then want to offer a few thoughts on the subject of humility and heresy. McLaren does not show us a way to …
Brown Theonomy
I almost titled this post “Green Theonomy,” but when Ahab brought in the worship of the green god Baal to help out the fertility of Israel, one of the first things that happened was that it did not rain for three years, and Israel turned crispy brown. What is printed up in the prospectus is …
Cafeteria Catholicism
When C.S. Lewis undertook to describe “mere” Christianity, he stated that he had no intention of discussing, for example, the subject of Mary. Few subjects had, in his view, the capacity for derailing the train of Charity than this one did. But he did not just sidestep the question. He noted that for devout Roman …
No Place But The Mall
I promise I won’t blog anything about Brian McLaren on Christmas Day. Apart from that, the only thing to say is that his next chapter is on Methodism, and coincidentally, so is mine! McLaren has a good eye (as all adversaries tend to have) for how belief in objective truth goes to seed. As Chesterton …
This Just In
A federal judge has ruled that intelligent design and public school curricula are not at all compatible. But some of us already knew this.
Theological Tourism
We have now come to the chapter where McLaren describes how he is “Anabaptist/Anglican.” This has been quite a slog, and the cumulative effect of reading through these chapters on how Brian McLaren is evangelical, liberal/conservative, mystical/poetic, fundamentalist/calvinist, and so on, is similar to a $400 dollar whirlwind tour of Europe. “If it’s Tuesday, this …