The First Days

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We are not living in the last days. When God created the heavens and earth, He rested on the seventh day, declaring that His work was complete, it was finished.

But when our Lord Jesus recreated the heavens and earth, He rose from the dead on the first day, as much as to say, it is begun. We are Christians, and so we look forward to the work God will do on the basis of what God has done. We worship Him on the Lord’s Day, the weekly Easter, because we are oriented now to the work, as the kingdom grows, expands, and fills the earth.

So these are not the last days. They are the first days. We are not the Church living at the end of time. We are the early Church.

Our worship should then be fresh, new, belonging to the new creation. Shake off your lethargy, and come now, worship the Lord.

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