There was a certain minister who decided one day, while studying the Scriptures, that an appropriate posture while confessing sin was the posture of kneeling. He raised this as a possibility during a congregational meeting, and suggested that the church look into obtaining kneeling benches. To his surprise, the opposition to this suggestion was immediate …
Ah, To Have Been Submissive
A wise man once defined a classic as a book that no one wants to read, but everyone wants to have read. In the same way, submission is something that everyone wants to have done, but no one wants to do. As the old blues song puts it, “Everyone wants to go to heaven, but …
The Blurb Drum
For those of you who have students in your home who love the Word (and who therefore love words), I need to beat the blurb drum for a moment — just to alert you to a first-rate opportunity. A good friend and colleague has started up an internet tutorial service in creative writing, and I …
Put Them Down
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. You are coming before God on the day when He made all things new. You are coming to Him on the day when He inaugurated the new creation. You are coming to Him on the day when the sabbath …
Just Got Back
Just got back from a delightful visit to some good folks in St. Louis. Although we had a grand time, and hit a couple really good used book stores, ready access to a computer was not one of the perks. Therefore, you have had a break. But no more.
Government Schools Again
Dear visionaries, I hope that for me to post to this list is not a faux pas akin to throwing a trout in the punch bowl. But I thought a couple comments might be worth the time. In response to Jonathan: I agree with his point that “government schools” has a negative connotative value beyond …
Government Schools
For a number of months, I was involved in an on-going debate on a local list serve about various matters of concern to secularists. Because the issues involved are perennial, I thought it might be helpful to repost some of these over time on this site (lightly edited), all under the heading of Apologetics in …
May I ask you to check out what my friend Pete Hurst is doing at
Work and Jobs
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16:11) Growing Dominion, Part 6 Dominion is a frame of mind and heart. It is not marked by work only — because slaves also have to work. The difference is this slaves work at a job; Christians are summoned to a calling. When jobs diminish, …
The Bend in the Story
Once there was a group of small boys who were very close friends. There were five of them, and they were inseparable. They went to school together, they played after school together, they spent countless hours in the summers together, and they often spent the night in tents in one another’s back yards. Although they …