Substitute Saviors

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Our Father and God, You have established Your Church as a royal priesthood in this world, and so we intercede for the nations of men now, confessing on their behalf so that the grace of Your forgiveness will soon be extended to them all.

Father and God over all, we confess to You now that we have been a people who have taken our great wealth for granted. We confess to You that we have not been wary of the dangers

that wealth brings, despite the clear warnings that Scripture gives. We confess also that when we have seen the dangers of this, we have sought to fix it ourselves through various forms of self-imposed economies. We confess that instead of trusting in You, whether rich or poor, we have resorted to our idols, whether we are rich or poor. We pray, Father, that You would hear this prayer of confession, and would turn our nation back to Jesus.

We know, Father, that if we in the Church regard iniquity in our own midst, or in our own hearts, this prayer will be ineffectual. Father, we confess that we in the Church have gone along with these shifts and evasions, and have sought to substitute wealth and arrogance for Your sufficiency, as well as substitute self-imposed rigors for Your humility. Cleanse us from all this, we pray.

And Father, we confess our individual sins to You now—Selah . . . We do this in the kind name of Jesus, and amen.
You have confessed your sins, and have done so on the basis of the gospel. On that basis, and as a minister of grace, I declare your sins are forgiven through Christ.

Congregation: Thanks be to God!

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