Vestiges of a True Church

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Book 4/Chapter 2

A corrupt church (section 9)

1. According to Calvin, is the Roman church better or worse than Israel under Jeroboam?

2. What two things are demanded by the Romanists if Protestants are to come back into communion with Rome?

3. Did the prophets of the Old Testament set up pure sacrifices during times of corruption?

Separation necessary (section 10)

1. Why did the prophets separate from certain assemblies?

2. What would follow if the Roman churches were still churches?

Vestiges (section 11)

1. Does Calvin deny everything churchly to the papists?

2. What does Calvin mean by “traces.”

3. What metaphor does Calvin use?

Sound elements (section 12)

1. Do the remaining sound elements make the corrupted church the true church?

2. Who, then, is Calvin’s chief foe?

3. What argument does Calvin use to indicate the church is not completely gone there.

4. What soundness remains in Rome?

5. What is lacking with every one of their congregations and their whole body?

These are the questions for the readings for Thursday, September 3, and those readings can be found here.

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