Shutting the Gate of Prayer

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Book 3/Chapter 20

The Lord’s Prayer (section 34)

1. The Lord’s Prayer is a table of what?

Six petitions (section 35)

1. How many petitions does Calvin divide the Lord’s Prayer into?

2. How are those six divided?

In calling Him Father (section 36)

1. What are we doing when we call God Father?

2. How does Calvin describe the name of Father?

Encouraged (section 37)

1. What should encourage us about our use of the name Father?

Our Father (section 38)

1. What is significant in the word our?

2. If you love the Father, what follows?

Prayer and almsgiving (section 39)

1. How is prayer like almsgiving?

2. What shuts the gate to prayers?

In Heaven (section 40)

1. Though God is in Heaven, what does Calvin want us to recognize?

These are the questions for the readings for Friday, July 31, and those readings can be found here.

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