The Third Use of the Law

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Book 2/Chapter 7

The third use (section 12)

1. What is the third use of the law, according to Calvin?

2. Is this a minor use of the law?

3. How does the law help the believer?

4. Is this use dependent upon precept alone?

Antinomianism (section 13)

1. What do certain ignorant persons do?

Abrogation (section 14)

1. In what two ways has the law been abrogated?

Conscience (section 15)

1. What part of the law is abrogated to liberate the conscience?

2. How would that curse work on the conscience?

The ceremonies (section 16)

1. Have the ceremonies been abrogated the same way?

2. In what way have the ceremonies been abrogated?

The written bond (section 17)

1. What does Calvin do with the “written bond” of Colossians 2:13-14?

These are the questions for the readings for Friday, March 27, and those readings can be found here.

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