True Solace

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Book 1/Chapter 17

Due prudence (section 4)

1. Should the fact that God’s providential care extends to all things prevent us from exercising due prudence?

2. If God offers secondary helps and instruments, should we use them?

3. Does God ordain the means as well as the ends?

4. Does God’s providence come to us “naked”?

No excuses (section 5)

1. What do wicked men want to do with the doctrine of providence?

2. Does Calvin agree that they are serving God’s will through the sins they commit?

3. Does he agree that if God had not willed it, it would not be done?

4. What are the two things they must do in order to justify their sin, and which they cannot do?

True solace (section 6)

1. According to Calvin, should believers take comfort from God being the principal cause of all things, while at the same time giving attention to secondary causes in their proper place?

2. What is the principal purpose of biblical history?

These are the questions for the readings for Friday, February 20, and those readings can be found here.

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