As Stacked As . . .

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Since a volunteer competition is breaking out already, let’s put them all in one place. I may have missed some in the gathering, and so if I did just add them again in the comments section. And if any new ones occur to you, please add them as well. I think we could have at least as much fun as the haiku contest.

As stacked as:

1. A double order of buttermilks;

2. Some blonde in a tight dress;

3. A brick house;

4. As Rick James on his way to detox;

5. As a deck of cards at a Magician’s Convention;

6. As the Library of Congress;

7. As a new-mown hayfield;

8. As a deck of cards at a casino;

9. As a lottery ticket;

10. As cordwood in November;

11. As a Harry Potter display, July 20, 11:59 p.m;

12. As Bay Bridge traffic on Memorial Day weekend;

13. As the odds against me winning the lottery;

14. As little brown pellets under a neglected rabbit cage;

15. As the assumptions required to support a claim for atheistic moral objectivity;

16. As a polygamist’s honey-do list;

17. As a dozen rocks in the middle of the Jordan;

18. As the odds against a productive study actually being accomplished by a stacked committee;

19. As the ballot box in a Mexican election (but I repeat myself);

20. As a double-decker bus with Japanese tourists;

21. As a Nigel Tufnel Marshall rig at the amusement park gig;

22. As the national debt;

23. As the strata in the Grand Canyon;

24. As plywood at Home Depot;

25. As a Campbell soup display in the front aisle of Safeway;

26. As all the Miles Davis LPs in an FM radio station basement;

A couple different verbs:

25. As stuffed as Derek Small’s spandex at the airport checkpoint;

26. As choreographed as a WWF match.

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