For those of you who live in the Moscow area, we are having a book release/book signing party tomorrow night at the Palouse Empire Mall. As the poster above has already informed you, the festivities are from 6 pm to 9 pm, and we are looking forward to a good time. Stacks of the book will be there, and Nate will have a pen and be available for signing. Getting done by nine will enable your oldest child to take it home and have it read by the wee hours that night.
As everything continues to go well, the book will be available in all sorts of places. Of course you always shop at Canon, but if you are providentially hindered you could think about a place like this. If you enjoy the book (as I am confident you will), please take a moment to review it at Amazon. That kind of thing can really be helpful with the buzz, sales rankings, and so on.
Again, if you live in our area, we would love to see you at the bash tomorrow night.