Strength for the Battle

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There are only two tables in the world—the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Between the two is the division of light and darkness, righteousness and unrighteousness, good and evil. This means that the choice must be one of the two—the two cannot be combined or blended in order to create a third way.

Life is simple. Love God and hate sin. Life is not complicated. Love God, love His people, love His Word, love His sacraments, love His church. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, and we are summoned to this fear, and we are strengthened at this table for that hatred. Remember that the Ephesians were commended for their hatred of the deeds of the Nicolaitans, but we rebuked for falling from their first love. The intensity of our love for Jesus will not diminish our hatred for all that arrays itself against Him. Far from it.

This table nourishes your love and nourishes your hatred. Love God and hate evil. If you do not feel yourself to have the strength for this, come here, to this Table, to receive the strength. You do not come to the table as a reward for being strong, you come to the Table weak, knowing that only God can make you strong. The instrument He uses to enable you to receive this strength is faith. And even this faith is given to you as a gift so that no one can boast. Little children, you are coming to the Table, not because you are strong, but because God intends to make you strong. He will do this by His grace, so just come in simple faith.

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