Minister: Lift up your hearts!
Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord!
God of heaven, God of earth, God of men and women, God our of children, we worship You now through Jesus Christ our Lord.
You know all things, the end from the beginning. You know the desires of the sparrow’s heart, You know the thoughts and intents of madmen and dictators, You know all the answers, and all of the possible questions. You know the position and velocity of every atom ever spoken into existence by Your Word.
Your power is beyond all comprehension. You speak and galaxies form. You nod Your head, and atheists formulate and advance their pitiful arguments. You blow and the wind from the north freezes everything. You decreed how many waves would strike all the beaches on earth in the last five minutes. You determined the number of whitecaps on the Pacific Ocean. You spin the planet Jupiter.
You are present in all things, through all things, and around all things. You inhabit the highest heaven, and You dwell at the bottoms of oceans. In You we live and move and have our being. You are God in the heavens, and You are God in the basements of cottages. You are God of the Alps and God in the back alleys.
And so, gracious Father, we worship You now through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end, amen.