God of our Fathers, we lift up grace, blessing, and praise to You. We know that we can offer nothing to You that is not being offered back to You, and yet You summon us to this, and delight in us as we offer as gifts to You that which we received as gifts from You.
We understand how we can offer thanksgiving to You, and yet even there, we do not do it enough. But with thanksgiving, You give us one thing, and we say thank you. But how can creatures bless You? How can creatures render grace to You?
We do not understand it, but this is what Your Word describes Your people as doing. We know that the only way this is possible is through the great mystery of Christ. How can we fill Him, as Your Word says we do, when He fills all in all? And yet we do.
For this we praise You, and offer up our baffled gratitude in the name of Jesus.