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A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
Wisdom from the Bumper
HT: Samuel Cherubin
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Chestertonian Calvinism
For a number of years now, we have been urging the adoption of a Chestertonian Calvinism. For those acquainted with the works of Chesterton, this seem more than a bit odd because Chesterton did not harbor warm, benevolent thoughts about Calvinism. He regarded it as the least Christian of all Christian systems, and he would be greatly annoyed by our construction of a phrase like “Chestertonian C…
I watched the second interview and thought it was really good. One thing I’m not sure I agree with is that submission is only for when there is disagreement. When I’ve tried to explain submission to folks who don’t like the idea I use the illustration of a dance. When the husband raises his hand, for example, the wife spins. That is submission. In an unfallen world it is always fun. But since we live in a fallen one Paul says the wife should submit in all things. I think he is saying she needs to spin even if she… Read more »