Okay, Friends

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So I have an update on the subscription drive that will enable the final arrival of The Silent Bells, the fourth and final installment of the fantastic Ashtown series. As many of you know, this was the deal. If 2,000 people subscribed to a newsprint version (mailed to their very own door) of each chapter as it is written, hot off the presses as it were, then Nate would be enabled to consider the light as green and get to writing. The reasons for it being this convoluted are convoluted, and has to do with New York publishers and their ways and customs, but Nate finally figured out this way to get the job done.

So what is the status of the subscription drive? As you probably know, the deadline for making the decision is today, and as of last night, the drive had signed up 1892 intrepid souls. That leaves us 108 subscribers short. And so this is where I say, “okay, friends.” This is the time to pull out your Christmas gift list a few months early and ponder it. This is the time to subscribe one of your grandchildren. This is the time for the friends of Rupert Greeves to act like the friends of Rupert Greeves.

The comments are open so that you all can encourage one another to push this thing across the finish line.

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4 years ago

Subscribe to The Silent Bells to own the libs! Subscribe to The Silent Bells, and all your dreams will come true! Love your neighbor: subscribe to The Silent Bells! Your subscription to The Silent Bells will bring about world peace! The Silent Bells cures COVID-19! Subscribe to The Silent Bells…for the children! Subscribe to The Silent Bells or Santa will leave coal in your stocking come Christmas! We’ve been waiting for The Silent Bells for time, times, and half a time TIMES TWO since the last book came out in 2013. Please put us out of our misery by making… Read more »

gene andreyev
gene andreyev
4 years ago

Why no simply just up the price a bit.

Or do you need the numbers more than money?

J.F. Martin
J.F. Martin
4 years ago

A couple comments and questions: Excited for the latest installment…have all the other books (and 100 Cupboards series as well) and encouraged my son to read them during this odd season. I admit I first took a pass on subscription due to format and what appears to be an open ended number of editions. 1) Any suggestions on how to preserve the newsprint version for future use? 2) How many chapters are anticipated / completed? $45-60 seems a little steep for a 15-20 chapter book. (Now I sound cheap…) 3) Will the book come out in paperback eventually? Go Under… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  J.F. Martin

Treat this like a Kickstarter. Will you be paying more in the long run? Yes. Will the book ever see the light of day otherwise? Probably no.

Kirsten Miller
Kirsten Miller
4 years ago

I’m just going to quote the mayor of Who-ville here.
“This,” cried the Mayor, “is your town’s darkest hour!
The time for all Whos who have blood that is red
To come to the aid of their country! he said.
“We’ve GOT to make noises in greater amounts1″
So, open your mouth, lad! For every voice counts!”

4 years ago
Reply to  Kirsten Miller

Kirsten for mayor!

4 years ago
4 years ago
Reply to  kyriosity

Best news I’ve heard all day!

4 years ago
Reply to  kyriosity

Right now it says 1,900 – we’re still 100 short